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List of seasonal words from Canada:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

After Russia, Canada is the second largest country in the world. Since Canada is an officially bilingual English-French nation, most of the kigo in this saijiki will be in both English & French.
Canada's geography is so diverse that we need to roughly categorise kigo by geographic regions. These are:
Newfoundland & Labrador, Atlantic Canada, northern Quebec & southern Quebec, northern Ontario, central Ontario, southern Ontario, Algonquin Park, Point Peelee National Park, Great Lakes, Lake Superior, Canadian Shield, Prairies, Near North, tundra, Yukon, Nunavut, Arctic, North Pole, Rocky Mountains, British Columbia,Vancouver Island.
À l'exception de celle de la Russie, la superficie du Canada est la plus grande du monde.
Le Canada est un pays bilingue dont les langues officielles sont l'anglais et le français.
Sa géographie est si varié qu'il faut catégoriser de façon sommaire les kigo selon les diverses régions géographiques, dont les suivantes:
la Terre-Neuve et le Labrador, le Canada atlantique, le Québec méridonial et septentrional, l'Ontario méridonial, central et septentrional, le Parc Algonquin, le Parc national Point Peelee, les Grands Lacs, le Lac Supérieur, le Bouclier canadien, les Prairies, le Nord méridonial et septentrional, la toundra, le Yukon, le Nunavut, l'Arctique et le Pôle du Nord, les Montagnes Rocheuses, la Colombie Britannique; l'Île de Vancouver .
Richard Vallance
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::SPRINGCrocus (Europe, worldwide) First or early thunderstorm
First warm breeze
Geese heading north
Goose, geese (kari, gan) .
Kite flying, usually the month of March.
Kite flying, India and Pakistan )
Maple syrup Pussy willows,
Willow tree (yanagi)Tulip Festival,
Tulip In May, Ottawa holds a tulip festival, ten to 14 days of celebrations. Canada provided safe haven in Ottawa for members of the Dutch royal family who began a tradition of gifting thousands of tulip bulbs each year to the people of Canada to symbolize international friendship.
SUMMERBaseball games
Baseball Playoff USA .....
Baseball Winter Meetings, USA Beaver (Castor canadensis) Canada, North AmericaBlackbirds, red-winged blackbirds
Canada Day, July 1 Fireworks Garage sales; sidewalk sales by merchants
Hornets Canda Day, July 1 Mosquitoes Thunderstorms, especially severe storms
Typhoon (Japan) Hurricane
Typhoon, HurricaneTornado or funnel cloud
Wading Pool, Spray Park Watering the lawn or garden
AUTUMNCanadian Thanksgiving Grey Cup Gamedecides the Canadian Football championship. The season starts in July, finishes in late October, or early November. The game is similar to U.S. football but the field is larger by 10 yards, the end zones for touchdowns are 25 yards deep as compared to 10 yards in the States, etc.
Migrating Birds , geese heading south
Red leaves, colored leaves :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
WINTERArctic Fox Renard Arctique
Carnaval in Quebec City Carnaval de Québec
Bonhomme Carnaval.
Carneval (Carnival) Chickadee mésange. (genus, Poecile)
Christmas Family Day February
Freezing rain or freezing drizzle
Freezing, frozen (itsuru, kooru) Husky = chien de traîneau (ou « husky » ) Ice crystalsTiny slivers of ice can fall for days on end and because they are so small, there is no accumulation. The sure sign they are occurring is a halo around the sun. During the day this is usually partial, much like a rainbow; at night, they can form a circle around the moon.
Lemmings Les Lemmings
Lesser Snow Goose Petite Oie des neiges
Polar bear = ours polaire (ou « ours blanc » ) Snowy owl = harfeng des neiges Wolverine :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
NEW YEARNew Year's Concert .............................................
Another list to check:SUGGESTED ITEMS FOR CANADIAN SAIJIKI:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
CANADA HAIKU TOPICSEnviroku .. Haiku and Senryu Toronto To be added.
To be added.
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